Marine and Aviation Valuations

Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Time: 4:30pm - 7:00pm
Location: 875 Hotel Cir S, San Diego, CA 92108
Speaker: Eli Mansour

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Topic: Marine and Aviation Valuations
Speaker: Eli Mansour


Eli Mansour |  Partner at Procopio


Eli counsels clients on a variety of business matters including intellectual property, aviation law and equipment finance. His practice focuses on the development, protection and licensing of technology and related intellectual property, including drafting and negotiating technology development, manufacturing, distribution and licensing agreements. Eli has extensive experience in device discovery agreements, joint venture agreements and technology assignment, and transfer transactions, as well as advising corporate flight departments and individuals seeking to acquire, lease or share the use of turboprop and turbojet aircraft. He also holds an FAA commercial pilot’s license for fixed wing and rotorcraft–helicopter, as well as an instrument rating and an FAA remote pilot’s license for small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).



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