April Meeting Canceled

Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Time: 4:30pm - 7:00pm
Location: Double Tree

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Dear Estate Planning Council Members,

Out of an abundance of caution and amid all of the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19 and the restrictions on holdings events and gathering of various sizes, the Estate Planning Council will be cancelling our meeting that was scheduled for April 21st and we will be rescheduling this meeting for July 21st at 4:30.  Please mark your calendars!

As of now, our remaining meeting dates are:

May 19th – Speaker: Matthew Burk of Burke & Marquit discussing Prop. 13 and Transfer Tax Issues

June 16th – Speaker: Steve Brown of Brown, Brown & Gomber (Chicago, IL) discussing Life Settlement and the Sale of Existing Life Insurance Policies

July 21st – Speaker: Alan Nevin with a regional economic update

We will keep you posted on any further developments.  We wish everyone good health, safety, and lots of Purell!


Thank you,

The Estate Planning Council Executive Board

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